
Wednesday, December 9, 2020

School Athletics Awards 2020: Sione, Anthony and Jonathan

 Sione: winner in the boys 50 metre sprints (7 years).   

            second in the boys 100 metre sprints (7 years).

Anthony: third in the boys 50 metre sprints (7 years). 

Jonathan: third in the boys 100 metre sprints (7 years). 

School Athletics Awards 2020: Letaya and Hineiturama


Letaya: second in the girls 50 metre sprints (7 years).

              second in the girls 100 metre sprints (7years). 

Hineiturama: third in the girls 50 metre sprints (7 years).

                        third in the girls 100 metre sprints (7 years). 

School Athletics Awards 2020: Luke


Winner of the boys 50 metre sprints (6 years).

Winner of the boys 100 metre sprints (6 years).

Athletics Awards 2020: Lillyan

 Winner of the girls 100 metre sprints (6 years).
Winner of the girls 50 metres spring (6 years).